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Dogs prefer electric cars, here’s why

Several researchers conducted an experiment to find out if dogs had a preference between thermal cars and electric cars. And the latter obviously offer a better experience to our canine friends who seem much more relaxed.

Dogs would be more relaxed in electric cars © Unsplash

Dogs would be much more comfortable in electric cars. This is the conclusion of a very serious study conducted by researchers from the University of Lincoln. The latter placed 20 dogs (each in turn) in an electric car and then in a diesel car for a 10-minute journey. They found that the test subjects were more restless in the thermal vehicle, abandoning their lying position 50% more often on average.

For information, the biometric data of the dogs have been recorded. The canines were also filmed with a GoPro camera capable of identifying any behavior indicating discomfort or relaxation. The dogs were additionally given an hour’s break between rides to ensure they were relaxed for both tests.

Dogs would be less sick to their stomachs in an electric car

Professor Daniel Mills assures him, dogs seem much more relaxed in electric vehicles, especially if we focus on their agitation. And the researcher points to another revelation made by the study with dogs having symptoms associated with motion sickness. “During their journeys in the electric vehicles, biometric recordings of these dogs revealed that their heart rate slowed significantly more than when they were in diesel cars”.

A particularly interesting observation given that an increase in heart rate is commonly associated with motion sickness. “It’s an intriguing result”says the professor.

To read > Tesla: automatic emergency braking saves the life of a dog

According to a separate study by CarGurus, dogs do have a preference for electric cars. The owners of the pooches used in the experiment found that 39% settled in better, 43% were calmer, 42% seemed less anxious, and 45% complained less.

Some builders even have special touches for man’s best friend. Tesla has deployed a “Dog” mode on Model 3s to ensure its well-being when left alone in the cabin.

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