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Dollar today: financial prices and the blue fall

In the penultimate day of the week, the blue dollar lost seven more pesos and closed at $474 for sale and $469 for purchase, after falling $21 in the previous day after being on the rise for more than a week. Thus, the gap between the blue dollar and the official dollar fell to 113.5%.

The gap between the blue dollar and the wholesaler is 113.5%.

In addition, financial dollars are also staying down. The MEP, which is valued with Global 2030 bonds, is trading at $437.90, it lost 2.21% in this session. For its part, the dollar Cash with Settlement (CCL), also operated with the Global 2030, is trading at $454.12, fell 0.40%.

The Central Bank of the Argentine Republic (BCRA) sold USD 79 million and closed its second consecutive session with a negative balance. In this way, in April the monetary authority accumulates purchases for around USD 100 million.

The BCRA sold USD 79 million.

The official dollar, for its part, is available on the screens of Banco Nación (BNA) at $220.50 for purchase and $228.50 for sale. The tourist exchange rate, which is the price that the Argentine citizen pays for his purchases abroad and exceeds the three hundred dollars allowed at a cheaper price, closed at $457. Meanwhile, the wholesaler closed at $222 for sale.

The Central Bank’s board of directors approved this afternoon a sharp rise in the interest rate of 1,000 basis points, going from 81% to 91% nominal per year. The decision affects the monetary policy rate and time deposits. This is a decision that aims to curb the demand for dollars during a week of strong exchange rate tensions.

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