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Domestic violence: the National Assembly unanimous for emergency aid to victims

The deputies agreed on Monday around the vote of a text opening the payment of universal emergency financial assistance to victims of domestic violence. The sum must allow the victims to get out of any financial dependence binding them to the violent spouse. The aid scale has yet to be the subject of a decree.

The National Assembly voted unanimously on Monday for a bill aimed at creating universal emergency financial assistance for victims of domestic violence. The aid scale, modulated according to needs, must be specified by decree. The objective is to allow victims to seek shelter as quickly as possible, without financial dependence.

The deputies took up and modified a proposal by UDI Senator Valérie Létard, also voted unanimously by the upper house in October at first reading, and inspired by an experiment in the Nord department.

A promulgation within 9 months maximum

The deputies of the National Rally had initially tried to take it up in their parliamentary niche, a day dedicated to their texts on January 12. But the Conference of Presidents of the Assembly, which brings together President of the Assembly, leaders of political groups and committees in particular, decided to include this transpartisan subject during an “Assembly week”. The RN did not oppose it.

A co-rapporteur from the ranks of the National Rally (RN) has been appointed for this text, which has embarrassed some majority and left-wing deputies, but which has not prevented the various groups from voting for .

Deputies and senators should agree without difficulty on a final text for final adoption in the coming weeks, then promulgation within a maximum of nine months.

Avoid “false starts”

“This text is a victory for women victims of domestic violence,” said Minister Isabelle Rome, responsible for gender equality. “It was absolutely necessary to provide aid in the form of a grant without a means test and financed by the State. This is what the government amendment consists of which provides for a grant in addition to the loan initially envisaged by the law.

“This text, which responds to the urgency of sheltering, constitutes the first brick of the global support system, New Departure Pack, announced on September 2, the deployment of which I am piloting”, added the Minister. .

The deputies supported a government amendment to be able to pay this aid in the form of a donation and not just an interest-free loan as the Senate had voted. This financial support will be conditional on a protection order, the filing of a complaint or a report addressed to the public prosecutor. At least part of it must be paid within three days.

When the aid is granted in the form of a loan, its reimbursement will be the responsibility of the person found guilty of violence if necessary, with an additional penalty of “obligation to reimburse”.

Against the advice of the government, the Assembly adopted an amendment by ecologist Sandrine Rousseau to create a multi-year law on funding for the fight against violence against women. His fate is however uncertain during the continuation of the parliamentary shuttle.

The environmental group has loud and clear the transformation of the loan repayable by women to an aid or a loan repayable by violent spouses. It is a great victory to have obtained it after trans partisan work.

Foreign women will also have been those in this help and it is essential for this particularly precarious population and which sometimes risks great to denounce violence.

The Ministry of the Interior has identified 207,743 victims of domestic violence in France in 2021, mainly women. 122 were killed by their spouse or ex-spouse that same year, according to the ministry.

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