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Dominican Republic exceeds 10.7 million people, almost 14% more than in 2010

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Santo Domingo, Aug 10 (EFE).- In the Dominican Republic there are 10,760,028 inhabitants, according to the preliminary results of the tenth national population and housing census published this Thursday by the National Statistics Office (ONE).

This figure represents a growth of 13.9% compared to 2010, when the number of inhabitants was set at 9.4 million.

The population of the Caribbean country is made up of 5.4 million women and 5.3 million men, a relationship that has been maintained throughout these years, said the director of the ONE, Miosotis Rivas, at the presentation of the results of the census, which was carried out in November of last year.

Despite an increase in the total population, the downward trend in the intercensal growth rate continues, going from 1.22% between 2002 and 2010 to 1.10% between 2010 and 2022.

The value of this indicator “reflects the trend of the last decades,” according to the ONE.

In total, in the country there are 4.4 million homes and 223 people per square kilometer, reflects the study, whose preparation was not without criticism, since dozens of pollsters reported delays in payment for services provided and many people say who were not interviewed.

The province with the largest number of inhabitants is Santo Domingo with 2.7 million, while Santiago (the second most important in the country) with 1,074,648 people exceeds the National District, the center of the capital, which became the third in population size, with 1,029,110 neighbors. EFE


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