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Don Ching… Director of Pemex used public resources to improve his ranch

According to a new journalistic investigation, Octavio Romero Oropeza, director of Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex), used public resources to improve his ranch. Yes, while the roads in Tabasco where the machinery of the state company passes are still in very poor condition.

Pemex director used public resources to improve his ranch

According to a research paper by Tabasco trendsthe current director of Pemex, Octavio Romero Oropeza, he used public resources to improve his ranch and not to fix the roads of the statewhere heavy units of the company with machinery and equipment pass every day.

And it is that the official had promised to improve the roads of Tabasco; however, these, according to the local media, are in the same or worse condition than before.

PHOTO: PRESIDENCIA /CUARTOSCURO.COM // Director of Pemex used resources to improve the road to his ranch.

Well, he’s only kept this promise with a road that connects to a 10-hectare property located in the Los Cerros ranchin the municipality of Cunduacán.

Oh, surprise! This only fixed road is the one that communicates with a ranch registered in its name since 1990according to the very cadastral certificate of the land.

Pemex machinery was used to fix it

Tabasco Trends assures that the path of more than a kilometer long, before Romero Oropeza took his position at Pemex, was just a gap. But with his arrival as the director of Petróleos Mexicanos, it became a wide highway thanks to the use of resources and machinery of the parastatal.

PHOTO: MARIO JASSO/CUARTOSCURO.COM // Director of Pemex used resources to improve the road to his ranch.

And it was not difficult to notice the difference between this road and others in the rural community, since unlike the one that communicates with the director’s ranch, the rest are abandoned.

The work contrasts with the abandonment of the main road of the rural community and which the new Pemex CEO sometimes compulsorily travels to visit his small ranchlocated in one of the municipalities of Tabasco with high oil activity “is finally read in the journalistic investigation.

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