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Donald Trump’s sect is thriving

Good morning, dear reader,

read, laughed, punched: It’s a pleasure to put aside some unnoticed in the staccato news. Eight billion people scurry around our planet incessantly, which produces events and news just as incessantly. It’s our job as journalists not just to report on it, but to constantly muck out what’s less important. Is a message relevant? Does it affect our readers, listeners, viewers in this country?



Let’s take an example: Somewhere abroad a politician is bickering with a company. No, not the prime minister. Not the opponent from the opposition either, but just one of his competitors from his own party. Later, the man may want to become a candidate for an election, but that’s not official, and his poll numbers aren’t looking good anyway. It’s also a year and a half before the election takes place. Can you see it? It’s that simple: abroad, opposition, second row, descending branch, appointment in the distance – bang, already sorted out. Oh wait… unless this all plays into the USA away. We’d better take a quick look.

The thing about the US is this: Formally they belong abroad, but in practice what is happening there tends to get on our nerves. Even the mumbo-jumbo within the opposition. Because there is still the roar Donald around, from which we are actually recovering just fine after the four years of his presidency. But because the ex still has so many fans, the people in his party, for example those in Congress in Washington, are constantly looking frantically in his direction – some demanding praise and recognition, others a little apprehensive. Position determinations within the Republican Party are still measured by the Donald: someone is either “more moderate than Trump” or “to Trump’s right”. The latter is not so easy, after all, the guy just recently sat down for dinner with a neo-Nazi and the anti-Semitic rhetoric Kanye West.

The adjustments within the US opposition party are spreading to Europe. There Slogan “America First” In the past year, a growing number of Republican MPs opposed the support of the Ukraine vote. One of the most radical trumpets from the Trumpist camp, the MP Marjorie Taylor Greene, has forged the slogan “No money for the Ukraine” out of it and put it into the world on a trial basis. President Zelenskyy and his general staff will take this into account in their planning and, with the clock of the next presidential election on their backs, have to ensure even more speed on the front against the Russians. Putin, on the other hand, can hope that time will work for him. The American Republicans continue to heat up the war in distant Europe with their positions, although they are actually at home with their thoughts and are eyeing Trump and the next election. After all, Trump and the next election belong together – right?

Ron DeSantis tries to pass Trump on the right. (What: Alex Brandon/ap)

Until recently, you couldn’t be so sure. Trump’s star seemed to be on the wane. Candidates he supported floundered in the midterm congressional elections, his popularity was dwindling, and a former pupil passed him in the polls: Ron DeSantis, re-elected governor of Florida with an impressive majority, he had become the new star of the Republican party. “Like Trump, only with brains”, This is how editorial writers like to characterize him: an analytical mind, personally rather withdrawn – not a networker like his former mentor, but at the forefront of every populist slogan.

In order to sharpen his profile in the right-wing Republican party base, Mister DeSantis has risen to become a warrior in the American culture war. home in Florida that’s why he got rid of the last remaining conditions for gun lovers. He really doesn’t want to know anything about LGBTQ+, transsexuals and the like and has therefore banned the mere mention of the topic from schools. “Righter than Trump”: That should be his positioning – as a tough dog who clears more percentages in the primaries for the award of the presidential candidacy than his wishy-washy chaos master.

DeSantis even took on Donald and his Florida residence. Let me be precise: not with Donald Trump. With Donald Duck. And Mickey Mouse. And Disney World. Because the Disney Group has protested against the reactionary school legislation, spurred on by his outraged staff. DeSantis promptly sensed the chance to stylize himself as a fighter against the establishment and the power of supposedly liberally infiltrated large corporations – and as someone who won’t be offered anything.

In a bizarre exchange of blows, DeSantis has even threatened to build a prison full of criminals right next to the family-friendly leisure empire. At the same time, the court is arguing about whether Disney has become the victim of a political revenge campaign and whether the measures taken against the company are lawful. The tough governor must now realize that he has come across an economic giant, not only in Florida 75,000 people busy, but also has a very effective legal department. Mister DeSantis’ profiling attempt is therefore stuttering – and the plan to lap Trump in the candidate race, too. Comparing DeSantis’ efforts to his master’s demeanor, the attempts seem amateurish, almost helpless.

Trump’s current starting position is as follows: He is in New York des financial fraud charged. At the same time, he has to face another trial against the allegation of rape responsible. A special committee of the congress has only just media effective its responsibility for the Storm on the Capitol 2021 illuminated. This devastating picture has the following implications for Trump’s popularity ratings: He’s past his polling low and is in the running for the Republican presidential nomination a long way ahead.

How can that be? His challenger in Florida may be wondering the same thing. Trump has what DeSantis lacks: the ability to direct line to build up with his followers – a relationship that bears personal traits. They feel understood and represented by their idol, believe every word they say (and their opponents nothing) and forgive everything. Of course, it also helps that the US media landscape, like society as a whole, is divided into two camps, each serving its own clientele. Right channels like “Fox News” protect the political star Trump – with the result that the viewers hardly hear anything about the trials of their hero. In this way, sectarian tendencies have developed at the base of the Republican party.




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