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Donors of healing material and personal cleaning items are requested

Juarez City.- La Tenda Di Cristo requests the support of the community to continue serving 30 people suffering from HIV/AIDS.

David Dalla Poza, head of the organization, mentioned that they need healing material and personal cleaning items.

The supplies they request are: gauze, bandages, a syringe, alcohol, intravenous catheterization equipment, surgical gloves, mouth covers and waterproof mattress protectors, and personal cleaning items, Dalla Poza commented.

The place is located on Fray Antonio de Arteaga street, number 1140, in the Fray García neighborhood of San Francisco.

Those interested can bring their donations to the place, or call (656) 664-86-86, from 8:00 in the morning to 4:00 in the afternoon.

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