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Don’t do it: know the real reason why you shouldn’t sleep on your right side

If you are a lover of a good rest and sometimes it is difficult for you to fall asleep, you have to be attentive to what we are going to tell you. Just as it counts what time you’re going to sleep at night and how many hours you sleep, to keep you well-being, the way you adopt to sleep in bed is also important.

Ideally, you should sleep on your left side.

According to some studies, sleep laterally, but on your left side, it would be the best because it gives you more benefits. One of them is health for your brain, since the left side benefits the lymphatic drainage of the central nervous system and would facilitate the elimination of excess proteins, vitamins, fats, and residues that are harmful to your health. On the other hand, another of the benefits is that it improves circulation and prevents the obstruction of the aorta artery.which pumps blood from the heart to the rest of the blood system.

Sleeping on that side will facilitate the transfer of food to your organs.

Another benefit is that it facilitates digestion, since since your stomach and large and small intestines are inclined to the left, it makes food pass through these organs more easily. In addition, it relieves the weight on the spine. If you fall asleep on the left side, it prevents the weight of the body from falling on the back and avoids the pressure of the blood vessels.

In addition to the quality of sleep, it is important how you sleep.

It is essential that pregnant women take this side into account when sleeping at naps or at night, because this prevents the baby from pressing on the vena cava and blood circulates more easily, allowing the necessary nutrients for the baby to reach the placenta. The side you choose to sleep in your bed ends up being very important, because as you will have read in the note, the left side brings you many benefits and not the other ways. So we recommend that you pay attention from now on to how you sleep and you can make the changes that are necessary to improve at all levels.

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