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Dordogne: an 88-year-old hunter will be tried for shooting wood pigeons in a public park

The 88-year-old man was arrested by the police on Friday December 23 while he was dove in a park in Bergerac. He will be tried in February 2023.

Lurking in the woods, on the lookout for his prey, the 88-year-old man hunts the pigeon. But the detonations of his rifle alert the police who end up arresting him, reports South West. Because the hunter is in the park of Pombonne, a public garden north of Bergerac, an area prohibited to hunting throughout the year.

In addition, the octogenarian is in possession of a rifle while he has been prohibited from possessing a weapon for at least three years. The security forces therefore took away his hunting rifle before taking him to the police station.

The defendant has admitted the facts with which he is charged and will be tried in appearance on prior admission of guilt at the Bergerac judicial court in February 2023.

Amber Lepoivre BFMTV journalist

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