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Dossier – Trek to Yomi: good raw sound for mobsters

If the big productions play more and more the card of the cinematographic narration, few games try to pay homage to the seventh art by the visual. This was the case with Trek to Yomi, released in May 2022 on most media. If the title did not make an impression with its gameplay, the work done on the soundtrack remains exemplary. Composed by Cody Matthew Johnson and Yoko Honda, who grew up in a small Japanese village of the 12th century very marked by the feudal heritage and the culture of the samurai, the latter is intended to evolve over the chapters. Thus, the purity of the beginning is followed by a plunge into horror as the hero rushes into the kingdom of the dead, “Yomi”. This month, your Kultes Ranges focus on sounds and sound effects by giving the floor to lead sound designer Artur Zedanja and sound designer Pawel Kowalski. “Careful honey, it’s going to cut!”

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