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Dove promotes diversity in gaming

  • About $516 billion is spent annually on media advertising around the world.

  • In 2021, the United States was the largest advertising market in the world.

  • In Latin America, Brazil is one of the greatest exponents in the industry.

Advertising campaigns are a good strategy for brands to make a message known to the whole of society. Hygiene brand Dove recently launched a new campaign to promote diversity in gaming.

Investment in advertising continues to increase, according to data from a monthly report published by InfoAdex, which highlights that advertising investment shows growth of 2.5 percent in the first quarter of 2023.

Likewise, in a study carried out by eMarketer, it stands out that this industry generates millions of dollars, and around 516 billion dollars are spent annually on advertising in the media.

Other data from Zenith show that North America is the main focus of investment in the sector, where the United States alone is the largest advertising market in the world, with spending that exceeded 240 billion dollars.

Dove promotes diversity in gaming

As part of an advertising strategy, Dove launches the Real Virtual Beauty campaign, with the aim of claiming a better representation of women in video games.

The campaign aims to end beauty stereotypes and provide young creators with the necessary tools to foster self-esteem and confidence in their physical appearance.

The personal care brand carried out the campaign in collaboration with the agency LOLA MullenLowe, and it consisted in the fact that the brand decided to show the life of a video game character who, after eliminating an alien, goes behind the scenes to his wardrobe.

Likewise, according to the brand, this short film is based on the true story of Cinthia, who is part of the four protagonists of the Dove project that turns its ambassadors into 3D avatars.

This representation is based on a study carried out in conjunction with the company Women Games, which ensures that 60 percent of young girls and 62 percent of adult women do not feel well represented in games.

Through a statement, the company maintains that “we want to lead the way to transform video games into a positive place for women and girls. Together we can help girls with the necessary tools to build self-esteem, and ensure that the virtual world is a diverse and inclusive place for all.”

This campaign is not the first that brands have currently carried out on the subject of video games, as an example, the Enterogermina brand decided to turn the mothers of each of the most popular video game players in Brazil into an avatar and filter them in the rooms of games for these scold their children.

This campaign was designed with the sole purpose of attracting the attention of young people so that they can eat properly and take care of their health while they play. The brand, owned by Sanofi, decided to venture into the “gaming” world in the country of Brazil with the help of mothers.

Also, in its campaign, the probiotics brand decided to turn the mothers of each of the most popular and followed players into a peculiar avatar, with the aim of appearing in their son’s favorite video game and giving them good health advice. feeding.

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