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Dragon Ball fan art shows Bra with short hair like Bulma

Undoubtedly, one of the most common ways to pay homage to a manga or anime is fan art, but although this form of art is popular, not everyone has the talent to create unique works, like the one made by the genius @elite_nappa inspired by the beautiful bra of dragonball.

In this great drawing, we can see the daughter of Bulma and Vegeta who seems to be training with her brother Trunks, bra he is wearing what appears to be a sports training outfit, however, there is something peculiar about this fan artWell, we can see her wearing the short hairjust as his mother Bulma has done in some periods of the history of dragonball.

The artist @elite_nappa, without a doubt, is one of the most prominent fans in terms of the fan art of dragonball is concerned, because we can see endless great images on their accounts on social networks, and their fans have nothing but praise for their publications.

The fan art inspired by Dragon Ball is an art form created by fans of the Dragon Ball manga and television series. It often includes drawings, paintings, and other forms of art that show characters and scenes from the series in a different way than they appear in the source material.

Fan art can take many different forms, from highly detailed and realistic drawings to more cartoony and fun versions of the characters. Some fans even create sculptures and other three-dimensional objects inspired by Dragon Ball. In general, fan art is a way for fans to express their love for the series and show their creativity.

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