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Dragon Ball: Five impressive facts about Master Roshi that you surely did not know

The Dragon Ball story would have been very different if Master Roshi and Goku’s paths hadn’t crossed. The old man from Kame House has been one of the best sensei that the Saiyan warrior had in his training.

Therefore, on this day we take the opportunity to highlight five impressive facts that you surely did not know about him. Just for today we are going to ignore the fact that he has inappropriate behaviors with the young women he was around while the series progressed.

Master Roshi is more than that. He has hundreds of years of life and a lot of experience in martial arts combat. All these abilities were transferred to his two best disciples, Goku and Krillin.

Let’s go then, with these five curious facts about ‘Muten’, according to a review made by The Republic.

The great Master Roshi

  • He has the power to destroy the Moon. He once did it, because he had to somehow stop the rampaging Goku in Ozaru mode.
  • Despite having great strength and controlling Ki, he never learned to fly. He always used the flying cloud or some other type of transportation to get around.
  • He has the ability to execute hypnosis and telepathy. He uses it against weaker opponents who he doesn’t want to waste energy fighting.
  • In Japan it is called Muten Roshi, which translated into Spanish is something like “Invincible Old Master”. They also call him Kame Sennin, which means “Hermit of the turtle”.
  • You cannot die of old age. He exceeds 300 years of life thanks to a phoenix that gave him eternal life.
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