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Dragon Ball Super confirms that Yamcha is the strongest human on the planet above Krillin

For decades there has been talk about the real power of the original Z fighters. Those fighters who fought alongside Goku throughout the era of Dragon Ball Z. A time when the cast was largely made up of humans, where Yamcha almost always made a fool of himself and krillin seemed to be the strongest.

In fact, this original Dragon Ball character, who started as a villain to end up as an ally, Bulma’s intermittent boyfriend and permanent friend of the protagonists, always maintained a good reputation among new fans.

Although, ironically, this was largely due to a series of very popular memes where Yamcha was always defeated and demolished. This is how the character’s fame grew significantly, but his reputation was somewhat blown up.

Throughout all these years a debate has been fueled to define which of the human fighters is the most powerful apart from the Saiyans and other entities that coexist in the plot with them. In these discussions, Krillin, Goku’s best friend, is almost always chosen as the strongest.

But the reality is that it would not be like that and Akira Toriyama himself together with Toyotaro would have recently demonstrated it in a manga.

The fragment of Dragon Ball Super that shows that Yamcha is stronger than Krillin

It turns out that during Moro’s arc in Dragon Ball Super, a series of cartoons from the manga were published where we see how Yamcha managed to face a group of the villain’s henchmen when they came to invade Earth,

In the illustrations we were able to see how Yamcha fought against a considerable number of villains who attacked him in a group. But even so he was able to defeat them to demonstrate his true power, leaving behind the embarrassing episode where the Saibamen humiliated him:

Thanks to this sequence, it is possible to make a comparative scale of power, where the weight factor is even added that Yamcha was not an active fighter at that moment of his fight. But still he was able to defeat the pack of enemies.

This detail, together with that moment in Dragon Ball Z where he ended up showing that for a moment he was stronger than Vegeta, ends up reaffirming the theory that Yamcha is much more powerful than everyone believes.

However, his lack of perseverance in training seems to be a factor that prevents him from releasing his full potential.

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