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Dragon Ball x Knights of the Zodiac: This is how brutal Goku looks with the armor of this impressive bronze saint

Dragon Ball and the Knights of the Zodiac they marked a before and after in the manga and anime era. They arrived in the mid-eighties to settle and remain in force until today, almost 40 years later.

Two of his characters stand as the most iconic or legendary in this industry and in pop culture: Seiya from Pegasus, from The Knights of the Zodiac, and Goku, from Dragon Ball. Both are legendary heroes fighting for justice and peace, but do they share similar personalities?

At first glance, we could say yes. They are both brave, determined, and willing to risk their lives to save others. However, if we look a little closer, we can see that their personalities have significant differences.

Let’s start with Seiya. This bronze knight is known to be emotionally driven and energetic. He is always willing to run into the battlefield to save his friends, even if it means putting his own life in danger. Also, Seiya is quite an expressive character, showing his emotions quite clearly. If something makes you angry, we’ll probably know right away.

On the other hand, we have Goku. This Saiyan warrior is known for being calm and focused, even in dangerous situations. Unlike Seiya, Goku does not get carried away by his emotions, but instead makes strategic and thoughtful decisions. Also, Goku is a pretty laid back character, rarely showing any signs of anger or frustration.

But that is not all. We can also see that their motivations are different. Seiya fights for justice and the protection of his friends, while Goku is obsessed with becoming the strongest possible warrior. He often trains for months or even years to reach new levels of power, and will not hesitate to challenge any opponent he deems stronger than himself.

All these elements have been taken into account by the illustrator Salvamakoto. The Chilean designer has made one of his usual crossovers in which he dresses Goku in the Pegasus cloth. Thus, the Earth-raised Saiyan earns the title of one of the Bronze Knights, perhaps the noblest of all Athena’s protectors.

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