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Dramatic robbery in La Plata: a knife was placed on the belly of a pregnant woman

A dramatic episode occurred during the last hours in the neighborhood known as the western giantwhen armed criminals attacked a pregnant woman to rob her. As indicated by the victim’s father through social networks, the episode was recorded on Monday in the zone of 52 between 174 and 175.

“Two boys on a motorcycle, who like to live off what belongs to others, assaulted her with a knife and put it in her belly when she was seven and a half months pregnant. They stole everything: the wallet with the documents, credit and debit cards “In addition to the cell phone, the man explained in his publication.

“This is no longer enough. I wonder, how long are we going to have to put up with this? Let them steal with total impunity and freedom, and we are locked up without being able to enjoy anything”he added. Fortunately, according to what has been said, The woman suffered no injuries of any kind..

“If by chance someone finds her documents, I would appreciate if you help me by sharing this message. She, my granddaughter and the grandson who is on the way are fine.”complete.

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