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Driver skips stop sign and crashes into truck

Juarez City.- Elements of the General Coordination of Road Safety (CGSV) attended a collision between two trucks during the early morning, which occurred in the Rancho Anapra neighborhood, reported the operational area of ​​the corporation.

The accident occurred after 01:00 a.m., on Rancho Anapra and Pulpo streets, where the driver of a white Dodge Dakota passed the graphic stop sign and hit a white Dodge Ram that had right-of-way, according to a traffic agent.

Due to the force of the impact, the two drivers suffered minor blows, but they did not want to be taken to a hospital, the Road Safety officer said.

Apparently the person responsible for the crash was drunk and was driving at excessive speed, for which he was taken into custody at the Highway facilities and later consigned to the Public Ministry for the damage caused.

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