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Drivers denounce lack of security after series of robberies

Drivers denounce lack of security after series of robberies

We show how Juan, an Uber driver, who did not want to give his last name for security reasons, was left after being attacked by a group of young people while trying to pick up a passenger in Brooklyn.

“I get hit on the left side and they hit me and I think they hit me twice and one of them appears with a gun and tells me give me everything, give me everything. This in English…” Juan says about the altercation.

“They throw me to the floor, they hit me with an iron on the head, I mean I have a head injury, my nose is broken, people started running away. These kids run away,” she says.

The New York Taxi Drivers Federation reported a series of six armed robberies and car kidnappings by hooded individuals, especially in the Bronx.

Five of those drivers had their vehicles and belongings stolen in the Bronx, and Juan was attacked in Brooklyn.

“The police are doing their job. They have been able to find four of the six drivers who stole the vehicles, and they have been able to return them to the drivers,” he adds.

He also says that everyone was injured. Fernando Santos was robbed last Thursday and hit in the head and face, before stealing $500.

They also criticized the lack of support that companies like Uber and Lyft provide their drivers.

“They punish you if they do not pick up a passenger who is completely covered with their face ready to steal, they have to pick them up or they are suspended,” he explains.

“Uber did not have the delicacy to offer $20 to pick up my car back, or something very simple, Customer Service… Zero,” says Juan.

For its part, an Uber spokesperson told us in a statement “We are deeply committed to the safety of drivers on the platform, and we have been in contact with Juan as he recovers from this senseless attack.

Among other things, these drivers are asking legislators in Albany for improvements to the judicial system.

“Let them look for the criminal history they have and based on that understand that they are people who cannot continue walking through New York City,” says Juan.

The Federation of Taxi Drivers announced that it is offering a reward of $5,000 to anyone who provides information about the subjects involved in these incidents.

If you have information that can help the police locate those responsible, you can call 1-888-57-PISTA.


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