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Drivers under the influence of drugs: Isabelle Alléno requests the establishment of a "road homicide"

After the death of her son in a road accident caused by a driver under the influence of narcotics, Isabelle Alléno deplored the lack of “support” for the families of victims of these “tragedies”.

“The law must change.” Nine months after the death of her son Antoine, hit on his stationary scooter by a drunk driver and under the influence of narcotics, Isabelle Alléno reacted on BFMTV to the recent road accident caused by Pierre Palmade, positive for the cocaine at the time.

On behalf of the association created with her husband, chef Yannick Alléno, to help the families of victims of road accidents”, Isabelle Alléno confided that she looked “with great anger and bitterness” at this new ” drama”.

“I would like there to be a real awareness of the unconscious who take the wheel when they have been drinking or taking drugs”, she launched on our antenna.

“Road Homicide”

While this Wednesday, Pierre Palmade was placed in police custody for “manslaughter” and “unintentional injuries by driver under the influence of narcotics”, Isabelle Alléno judged “unbearable” the use of the term “involuntary”.

For her, by drinking alcohol or using drugs, speeders must be made responsible because they have “a real weapon in their hands”. This is why “the law must evolve” by introducing a qualification of “road homicide”.

The mother also denounced the lack of support for the families of victims of these car accidents.

“Those responsible have the right to support, our families of victims have no right to anything,” she lamented.

By living the situation herself since the death of her 24-year-old son on May 8, Isabelle Alléno thus assured: “Behind these tragedies, there are families and they take perpetuity.”

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