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Drought: lack of rain, the water tables are at their lowest

The drought continues to worry in France. Due to the lack of rainfall, the groundwater level is extremely low. What to be pessimistic for this summer.

With spring and the first buds, the strategic season of recharging is over. Today, if it rains, it is the vegetation that will benefit from it, not the deep water tables. In March 2022, more than half of the water tables had a level that was too low. A year later, three quarters of them are in deficit. The fault with the lack of rain, cruelly absent in October, and especially during one month, between January and February, it is historic.

Pessimistic scenarios

It returns a little in March, but the temperatures increasingly favor the evaporation of water. Therefore, the scenarios for the summer range from worrying to downright pessimistic. On a map displaying the risk forecasts of drought for this summer in France, the tablecloths in danger are everywhere. Less rain, more heat in the spring means more irrigation and therefore overstretched water tables. The season of restrictions began, logically, well before the summer.

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