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Drug driver makes A14 unsafe as a wrong-way driver and almost crashed into the police

The ghost driver was under the influence of drugs.
©Icon Image/Canva

There was almost a collision between a police patrol car and a wrong-way driver on the Walgauautobahn (A14) on Sunday evening.

A patrol from the Bludenz motorway police was on Sunday evening around 10:39 p.m. on the Walgau motorway in the direction of Feldkirch. At Frastanz, the officers intended to check a car driver, whereupon they signaled that he should follow them. When the police then drove off at the Feldkirch-Süd/Frastanz exit, a 26-year-old car driver suddenly came towards them as a “wrong-way driver”.

Ghost driver was under the influence of drugs

It is only thanks to the fact that the patrol was particularly slow due to the car being asked to follow him that a collision could be avoided by braking and evasive maneuvers. The 26-year-old was stopped in the exit. An alcohol test was negative. However, a presentation to the doctor showed that she was impaired by addictive substances. The driver’s license was taken from the 26-year-old on the spot.

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