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Drug trafficking in Mexico, today Monday April 24


A person who handled bags with alleged drugs tried to hide in a home, but agents from the CDMX Citizen Security Secretariat (SSC) detained him and found him 100 bags small plastic ones that contained possible cocaine.

Two former members of the Army were arrested in Sonora and the entity’s Prosecutor’s Office detailed that they could be involved in a homicide at the Esperanza Police Station. They were identified as Rogelio “N” and Leonardo David “N”both were injured.

The authorities are investigating the possible participation of the detainees in a homicide (Photo: Sonora Prosecutor’s Office)

“They committed the crime of misuse of uniformsthrough the use of military-type tactical clothing, they were assured three long guns of the .223 and 7.72×39 calibers, three tactical veststhree ballistic helmets, six stocked magazines for long weapons and a truck Mazda, white, with a report of theft,” the authorities reported.

After searches in two buildings, authorities of the State of Mexico they arrested three people, identified as 23-year-old Brandon “N”, José Ricardo “N” 37 and Yeni Araiza “N” 45, who were insured in the first property searched, where doses of possible methamphetamine and a scale were also found. While in the second site, in the same way, bags and wrappers with presumed methamphetamine were found.

The two properties reviewed by the Edomex authorities were also insured (Photo: FGJEM)

A pair of brothers was arrested in Pesquería, Nuevo León and the entity’s Security Secretariat (SS) identified them as possible members of a criminal group which has a nationwide presence, although the authorities did not specify which one.

Gabriel “N” and Aranza “N” they tried to attack the uniformed men when they were surprised, but they could not avoid being captured. It should be noted that shortly after 3:00 in the afternoon, the Secretary of Security, Gerardo Palacioshad advanced the arrest of two people.

The two were wanted for various crimes, as reported by Gerardo Palacios (Photo: Twitter/@SSeguridadNL)

“Civil Forces arrested a man and a woman in Pesquería, siblings to each other, imembers of a cartel with a national presence, who were wanted for various crimes. At the time of their capture they were surprised with a firearm and drugs in his possession,” Palacios explained.

Was arrested Alberto Rodríguez “N”, aka The virusrelated to at least six homicides and identified as generator of violence in Azcapotzalco, CDMX. Said person was traveling in a car, carried a short firearm at waist height and approximately four kilograms of possible weapons were found in the trunk of the vehicle. dope.

“El Virus” has been admitted to the Penitentiary System in 2020 for crimes against health, possession of a firearm and bribery (Photo: SSC)

“According to the investigations, the detainee is identified as a generator of violence and is possibly related to various homicides in the Clavería, Petrolera, Providencia, San Sebastián and Obrera Popular neighborhoods,” reported the Citizen Security Secretariat (SSC).

In Eagle, Michoacanwere insured two motorcycles, 623 ammunition and 10 firearm chargers by members of the Army, the National Guard and elements of the entity’s Secretariat of Public Security (SSP).

In addition to the vehicles and war material, no detainees were reported (Photo: Twitter/@SSeguridad_Mich)

The National Guard, together with members of the Army, found and secured a van with craft armoralso known as “monster”, weapons and other vehicles in two houses that were possibly used by organized crime in zacatecas.

National Guardsmen saw three armed subjects, which led to the discovery of vehicles and weapons (Photo: National Guard)

The actions started because the uniformed men saw three armed people, who hid in a building, a place in which an operation was implemented without the subjects being found, for which reason no detainees were reported. The security elements found the vehicle with handmade armor near the place.

In total they were insured 7 long gunsa grenade launcher attachment, three vans (one of them “monster”), 10 chargers, various cartridges, an ATV and an all-terrain vehicle.

Four men were downcast in Tamaulipas, the first reports indicate that they would be members of the criminal group Gulf cartel. As a result, the authorities seized a vehicle and weapons.



The Secretary of the Navy, through the Mexican Navy, reported that in recent days, naval personnel in coordination with Manzanillo Customs, secured approximately 8 thousand 640 kilograms of methamphetamine, contained in tequila bottlesin the port of Manzanillo.

The seizure was the result of an inspection of a container with 960 boxes, which contained 11,520 bottles of tequila, in a 750-milliliter presentation, and which in turn contained an approximate weight of 8,640 kilograms of methamphetamine, which was intended to export.


The drug was hidden in tequila bottles (Semar)




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