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Due to an attempted attack, they will increase security at the presidential inauguration of Lula da Silva

A man was arrested in the capital of Brazil after trying to blow up a fuel truck to thwart the inauguration of President-elect Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, on January 1. This is a 54-year-old person named George Washington de Olveira Sousa, who admitted that he worked with other Bolsonaristas camped in front of the Army headquarters.

The situation in Brazil between Bolsonaristas and the Police is very complicated.

According to the man, this group asks the armed forces to carry out a coup in the neighboring country to prevent Lula from assuming the presidency. Saturday was when the Police deactivated the explosive device that was going to explode at the capital’s airport, in addition to seizing several weapons and ammunition at Oliveira Sousa’s residence. According to the criminal, the objective was to “prevent the implantation of communism” in Brazil.

This was not the only attack that his group had planned, since the Police agreed to the following version: “An unknown woman suggested to the protesters at the barracks that a bomb be installed in the Taguatinga electrical substation to cause a lack of power. electric power and start the chaos that would lead to the declaration of a state of siege.” In this way, it is expected that from the government of Brazil adjust the security even more during the assumption and thus avoid any inconvenience.

Flavio Dino is the next Minister of Justice of Brazil.

Flavio Dino, the future Minister of Justice of the south american nation, indicated that they will “anticipate certain measures, even, because there can be no power vacuum. Already in the first hours of day 1 we are going to adopt measures so that a situation of instability does not occur.” That is why all the acts carried out during that date will be reviewed, to avoid any inconvenience during the inauguration, especially those that will take place in Brasilia.

Lula’s cabinet

A few days after returning, once again, to act as president of Brazil, Lula has already started working after choosing a new cabinet that will accompany him throughout his next government. There are some familiar faces and some newer ones.

Hadadd had been a candidate for president, but lost to Jair Bolsonaro.

Among the members he elected is Fernando Haddad as Minister of Economy; José Múcio as Defense Minister; Flavio Dino as Minister of Justice; the former Brazilian ambassador to Argentina, Mauro Viera, as Minister of International Relations, and the musician Margareth Menezes at the Ministry of Culture.

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