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Due to an emergency in Quetame, the 55th Joropo International Tournament is postponed

Aplazan festival de joropo por emergencia en Quetame

The government of Meta announced this Monday the Postponement of the 55th Joropo International Tournament ‘Miguel Ángel Martín’which was scheduled to take place from August 16 to 21, 2023.

The postponement has to do with the recent emergency in the municipality of Quetame in Cundinamarca that forced the total closure of the road to Llano due to the avalanche on July 18.

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Closure of the road to Llano due to avalanche in Quetame

“For the departmental government, it is highly relevant that the great festival of the llaneros take place on a date that guarantees the best conditions for its development, since it is about one of the most important events for the cultural and tourism sector of the region”, indicated the government of Meta in a statement.

Therefore, it was stipulated that the Joropo International Tournament be held from October 12 to 16 and the International Film Festival “Pele el Ojo, el Cine en el Llano” from October 3 to 6; likewise, the Joropódromo will be lived on October 14.

Related content: Quetame: increase to 26 deaths after the avalanche

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