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Due to lack of quorum, the treatment of municipal Accountability was dropped

The Treasury commission of the Deliberative Council, in which the 2022 accountability sent by Mayor Julio Garro was to be dealt with, fell due to lack of quorum and ended in scandal. There was a lack of a mayor of Juntos and also of the councilors of the Frente de Todos, who denounced that the project had been turned outside the legal term and without asking the body for an extension, which was denied by the ruling party.

The meeting had been called for 8 o’clock with the aim of giving the file a dispatch. As every year, they had been invited to present the Secretary of Economy, Horace Pradaand his team, plus the head of the Regional Market, Rubén Casanovasy el presidente del EMATUR, daniel loyola. Although the officials were present, the meeting was never held due to lack of quorum and will be rescheduled for next week, with a date to be confirmed.

The lack of a majority generated crosses between the two blocks, which accused each other of not facilitating treatment, and deepened the differences that are growing in the heat of the electoral campaign. Although the councilors of the Frente de Todos, Paula Lambertini, She had Lamberti y William Face -who are members of the commission- were absent and denounced that the mayor Garro presented the file after the legal deadline of March 31 expired and without requesting the corresponding extension to the Council, the truth is that the ruling party did not manage to gather the majority of its own that it has in the commission.

In the Treasury – one of the key commissions of the Council – Together they have five votes out of eight, but this Friday the councilors were present Lucas Lascours, Lucía Barbier and Julia MatheosIn addition to the president of the commission, Carla Fernandez. The one who was missing was the councilor of Radical Evolution, Manuela Forneris which, according to legislative sources, He had warned that he had a scheduled trip and was not going to be in the city.

Beyond the quorum, the disagreement that ended up bringing down the meeting was the request for extension that the Executive must present to the Council if it presents the surrender outside the legal term that operates on March 31, according to the Organic Law of Municipalities. The opposition denounced that indeed the file had been presented on April 5that is, the term expired, and that the extension had not been requested from the body.

Councilor Lambertini pointed to that “the mayor had time until March 31 to present this file. Not only did he not present it on that date, but he presented a letter saying that it was that date, but when we go to see the pages the file was presented on March 5 April”. And he explained: “We made informal consultations with the Court of Accounts and what corresponds is that the Court approves the extension and it can be voted on by the Council, in addition to having the necessary time to analyze this file that is so important to see if the numbers are consistent and what the money of the people of La Plata has been spent on”. He also warned that the legal framework cannot be ignored since otherwise the Municipality is exposed to the surrender being rejected by the Court: “What corresponds is that the Council votes the extension and then we have the possibility of dealing with the surrender. This is the institutional path”said.

His peer bench, the head of the FdT bloc, Yanina Lamberti, stressed that the mayor “presented the rendering of accounts after the deadline, violating the Law, they also intend to approve it between roosters and midnight without us being able to analyze in what expense the money of the and the people from La Plata. What is the mayor hiding from the neighbors?”

The ruling party retorted that the extension request had been entered by article 14 -which provides that the president of the body can send a file directly to the commission without going through the premises- and that it was going to be considered at the same meeting of the Treasury. The file, dated April 5, maintains that “Due to technical problems in the RAFAM system regarding the correct registration in the Accounting module (Economic-Financial Situation, Evolution of Liabilities, Balance Sheet), the closing tasks have been affected, generating a delay in the presentation of the rendering of accounts, which will be raised to that honorable Council on April 10“.

The commission was ultimately adjourned until further notice. It will be rescheduled for next week, although there is no date yet. After what happened, the opposition issued a press release entitled “A scandalous rendering of accounts” in which they stated that “not only was the file submitted out of time, but it was intended for us to analyze a rendering of accounts of more than a thousand pages in less than 48 hours” and also criticized the use of resources, denouncing under-execution in key areas such as education, health and works.

From the ruling party they limited themselves to saying that the Frente de Todos “put on a show” y “took political advantage” the opportunity.

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