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Due to lack of resources and mistrust, migrants sleep in squares

Juarez City.- Migrants who have arrived in Ciudad Juárez in recent days, according to some, have found a place to sleep in the different squares of the Historic Center given the high costs of renting spaces that do not have sufficient services.

Some migrants interviewed accused that there are shelters in the Center that even charge them for the time they use the bathroom, when some of them do not have enough money because they lost everything on the way to Ciudad Juárez and have not found work here because they do not have a place to stay. rent to sleep and clean up.

In plazas such as the Periodista, the Monument to Juárez, the Guadalupe Mission and the Juan Gabriel Mission, groups of migrants can be seen between blankets, backpacks, cardboard boxes as mattresses and even camping houses, who take advantage of the panic stations of the Safe Corridor for Women to charge their mobile phones and use the wireless internet signal.

They also said they were unaware of safe spaces to take refuge like those offered by the Red de Albergues in Juárez, and felt distrust of those that are available, “with everything that happened,” referring to the tragedy where 40 people lost their lives after a fire in a provisional station of the National Institute of Migration (INM) in this city.

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