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Due to the rain, the mobile cinema cycle was rescheduled

Due to the “Yellow” alert level due to strong storms, the Municipality of La Plata rescheduled the projection of “El Cadáver de la Novia” scheduled for this Friday on the Meridiano V beach. The new appointment will be this Saturday at 22:00.

The activity was part of the Cine Select Móvil cycle dedicated to the American director Tim Burton.

Due to forecast weather conditions, the function was rescheduled for Saturday at 10:00 p.m. in the emblematic cultural space of 17 and 71.

As they recalled from the Commune, It is recommended to bring a seat and keep in mind that the function, which will be suitable for all audiences and in Spanish, will be suspended again in case of bad weather.

“Corpse Bride” tells the story of a young man from a small 19th century European town who is taken to Hell to marry a mysterious “corpse bride” while his true mate awaits him in the world of the living.

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