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Due to the winter heat wave in Europe, Italy will ration water

Italy faces a possible rationalization of water before the arrival of a heat wave in the middle of winter. This caused several regions to be affected by a record drought in the coldest season of the year. One of the most affected places is the Po River, which is vital for the north of the nation, in addition to some places like Venice, which has records of the lowest water mark in history.

Source: (nmas)

The National Research Council of Italy He stated that the rainfall in the upper part of his territory is 20% less than it was in 2022 and that, in general terms, the beginning of this year was marked by a significant drop in rainfall. “Nothing has changed since 2022. We are still in a deficit situation. What we have to do is wait until spring, which is the time with the most rain for the Po river area,” said Luca Mercalli.president of the Meteorological Association of the European nation.

There is a very good chance that in April and May we will be able to make up for the rain that did not come during the winter. It’s the last hope we have left. If we don’t have heavy rain for two springs in a row, it would be the first time this has happened to us,” said the meteorologist from Italy.

The level of the Po River is much lower than it was in the same month last year.

Some of the most affected regions are those of Emilia-Romagna and Veneto, the most important agricultural areas of the Old Continent that are once again in danger. In addition to the 2022 drought, the valley experienced hard times related to lack of water in 2007, 2012 and 2017something that alarms scientists because climate change could worsen this situation.

paths on the lake

Due to the strong drought that crosses the north from the mediterranean countrymany lakes lowered the level, which made the beaches become bigger and some secrets began to come to light.

Residents of the region visit the island in Lake Garda.

One of them was a path on Lake Garda, which links the land to an islet that is only accessible by boat, but now some people were able to access it by bicycle or on foot. “It is a beautiful sight but also sad because of the drought. Let’s hope it doesn’t last long,” Alberto Pampuri, a resident of the region, told Euronews.

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