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Duet AI | AI will generate text, images and spreadsheets in Google apps

Tools with artificial intelligence offer a multitude of advantages to optimize work, and Google does not want to be left out of this. During this year’s Google I/O, the company introduced Duet AI, a tool contained in Workspace (the company’s suite of apps) that helps with writing, generating images to illustrate presentations and increasing productivity in general.

Duet AI no Gmail

Duet AI is contained throughout the Workspace, but manifests itself in different ways in each program. Currently, it already works behind the scenes to help the user write in Gmail and Docs — it produces the word suggestions. Now, the tool will be expanded to the Gmail mobile app when it comes to completing names and composing professional responses.

AI-powered imaging on Google

In Google Slides, Duet AI takes the form of an AI-powered imager. The tool interprets text descriptions to generate original illustrations that can help in the creative process.

In an example mentioned by Google, marketers can use ideas generated from meetings to create the initial concept for a new campaign. The AI-generated sketch may not even be used in the creation, but it is able to help find inconsistencies in the ideas presented.

Google Sheets Automation

Handling spreadsheets requires time and training, and resources that automate this process are always welcome. Duet AI will also be present in Google Sheets in the form of the “Help me organize” function (“Help me organize”, in free translation), a guide in creating plans to organize data in a document.

Artificial Intelligence in Google Docs

In Google’s text editor, Duet AI will be a perfect ally to complete the most mundane and repetitive tasks. According to the company, the bot helps the user to write excerpts about a certain content (job descriptions, for example), in a professional, personalized and formatted way.

The assistant does not dispense with human review, but it can help the project to get out of point zero and create ideas on how to follow up the text. In addition, he will also be an active reviewer, suggesting how to follow up the content, avoid word repetition and adjust the tone of the writing.

available for testing

According to Google, Duet AI is available to try through Workspace Labs. Interested users can apply to the waiting list.

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