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Dust from the Sahara will remain over Cuba throughout the weekend


The Cuban Institute of Meteorology (Insmet) reported this Saturday that a cloud of dust from the Sahara will affect Cuba throughout the weekend, when temperatures could rise and rainfall decrease.

According to the information, various forecast models indicate that the presence of Saharan dust on the island will be high with maximum values ​​of particulate matter this Saturday and Sunday, and will begin to decrease from Monday 24 and Tuesday 25 July.

Despite this, there will be a slight increase in the concentrations of particulate matter, above the usual values, during the next few days in Cuba, the agency details.

As part of the influence of dust from the Sahara on the Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean Sea, a decrease in rainfall will be observed in the Caribbean nation, the information says.

In addition, the high temperatures will continue on the island.

“At certain times of the day, the values ​​of particulate matter, less than 10 microns (PM 10), may slightly exceed the maximum permissible daily concentrations of 50 µg/m3, but they will not exceed the maximum permissible hourly concentrations of 200 µg/m3 according to the Cuban air quality standard NC 1020:2014,” he cited. cubadebate.

The maximum values ​​of PM 10 over Cuba will occur this Saturday and Sunday the 23rd in the afternoon.

Previous alerts from meteorological experts have indicated that the high temperatures and the direction of the winds in North Africa favor the movement of these dust clouds to other regions of the planet. US authorities have warned that Saharan dust will also have effect in Florida.

That dust can cause air quality problems in the regions it reaches, affecting people with respiratory conditions such as asthma. On the other hand, it can have an impact on the climate, since the particles can reflect sunlight and therefore influence temperatures and weather patterns.

However, the presence of this dust cloud also has positive aspects, since the associated dryness reduces the humidity in the air, which reduces the chances of rain and also reduces the probability of tropical storms or hurricanes forming in the Caribbean.

Cuban experts recommend that the population continue with protection measures to avoid prolonged exposure to the open air, particularly during the hours of greatest intensity of solar radiation, as well as to hydrate frequently and attend to any respiratory symptoms.

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