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Earthquake in Taiwan the strongest in the last 25 years

Earthquake in Taiwan the strongest in the last 25 years

Rescue teams continue searching for more than 600 trapped peoplestranded or missing after the earthquake that shook the east coast of Taiwan, the second most intense in the island’s history.

Until the closing of this report, authorities had confirmed at least 10 dead people, but with that number of people reported missing, it is estimated that the death toll could increase.

Emergency services were still rescuing people trapped in buildings or tunnels. According to Taiwan’s National Fire Agency (NFA), as of early morning on April 4, local time, there were about 950 people injured, a number that increased as rescues moved forward.

This earthquake is the strongest Taiwan has experienced in 25 years. The previous large-scale earthquake occurred when on September 21, 1999, a magnitude 7.6 earthquake left 2,416 dead and damaged 50,000 buildings.

Without knowing the scope

The region where the earthquake occurred has a population of about 300,000, of which about 100,000 live in the city of Hualien.

But many people in the region live in remote coastal or mountain communities that can be difficult to reach, so it could take time to understand the extent of the phenomenon. As of Friday, 700 people were stranded after the Taiwan earthquake.

More than 91,000 homes were left without power, according to Taiwan’s Emergency Command Center, which has been gradually reestablished. Similarly, as a result of the earthquake, tsunami warnings were issued in Taiwan, Japan and the Philippines, but they have since been lifted. Airlines and airports suspended flights.

When did it happen

The earthquake occurred at 7:58 am local time, 18 kilometers south of Hualien City. and at a depth of 34.8 kilometers, according to the United States Geological Survey.

Taiwan’s earthquake monitoring agency said the quake was magnitude 7.2, while the U.S. Geological Survey put it at 7.4.

The quake was centered off the coast of rural, mountainous Hualien County, where some buildings tilted at sharp angles and their ground floors were crushed.

Just over 150 kilometers (93 miles) away, in the capital Taipei, tiles fell from old buildings and schools evacuated their students to sports fields, providing them with safety helmets. Some children covered themselves with textbooks to protect themselves from falling objects as the aftershocks continued.

At least 26 buildings have collapsed. Several sections of the Suhua Highway in the north have also collapsed. The Taipei subway remained closed for hours. The high-speed rail operator said no damage had occurred, but trains were being delayed due to inspections.

More than 100 buildings were damaged, according to the National Fire Agency (NFA). Images show buildings leaning to one side and collapsed to the ground. About half of the damaged buildings are in Hualien.

The earthquake and its aftershocks also caused 24 landslides and damage to 35 roads, bridges and tunnels.. The quake was followed by several strong aftershocks, according to the United States Geological Survey (USGS), with tremors felt across the island, including in Taipei.

Prone to earthquakes

Seven major earthquakes have struck Taiwan in the last 50 years. The island is located on the Pacific Ring of Fire, which makes it prone to earthquakes.

About 90% of earthquakes occur in the same place: the Pacific Ring of Fire, an area of ​​about 40,000 km that covers areas such as the Andes, the west coast of Mexico and the United States, Japan and Taiwan, and which is where In addition, the greatest volcanic activity on the planet is recorded.

Several tectonic plates are found in the Belt or Ring of Fire.-solid slabs of the Earth’s crust that are in motion-such as the immense Pacific plate and those of the Philippines, Juan de Fuca, Cocos and Nazca, which are maritime plates.

These plates are in continuous motion and when they meet continental plates, they collide and one gets under another, in a process that in Geology is called “subduction” (sliding of the edge of a plate of the Earth’s crust below the edge on the other), then volcanic eruptions and earthquakes can occur that affect the territories. Crashes and slides can also occur between plates on the ocean surface, producing earthquakes and volcanic activity..

Stephen Gao, a seismologist and professor at Missouri University of Science and Technology, said Taiwan’s earthquake preparedness is among the most advanced in the world and includes strict building regulations, a world-class seismological network and extensive public awareness campaigns. on earthquake safety.

Taiwan is regularly rocked by earthquakes and its population is among the best prepared to deal with them, but authorities said they were expecting a relatively mild quake and therefore did not send out alerts.

US prepares aid

The US Government is closely monitoring the earthquake that hit Taiwan and is prepared to offer help, declared a spokesman for the National Security Council.

“We are following reports of the earthquake that struck Taiwan and continue to monitor its possible impact on Japan. The United States stands ready to provide all necessary assistance. All those affected are in our prayers,” said National Security Council spokeswoman Adrienne Watson. .

About 80 people were trapped, including some foreigners. Most of the citizens stranded in the Jinwen tunnel, in northern Hualien county, according to Taiwan’s National Fire Agency (NFA). And others in the Dachingshui tunnel, and two German citizens in a third tunnel.

At least 26 buildings have collapsed. Several sections of the Suhua Highway in the north have also collapsed. The Taipei subway remained closed for hours. The high-speed rail operator said no damage had occurred, but trains were being delayed due to inspections.

The tremor that occurred on April 3 was strong enough to frighten even people accustomed to such shaking.

Authorities highlight that prior preparation in Taiwan helped mitigate initial chaos. Despite the disaster, daily life began to resume soon after, with people returning to their usual activities and the stock market operating normally.


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