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Earthquake in Turkey and Syria: Belgium to offer medical support via a B-Fast team

The provisional toll after the earthquakes that shook Turkey and Syria on Monday rises to more than 2,500 dead and more than 10,000 injured.

Reading time: 2 mins

IBelgium is ready to offer aid to Turkey, hit last night by a devastating earthquake, Foreign Minister Hadja Lahbib said on Monday.

“At a time when the toll of the earthquake is increasing, Belgium is doing everything possible to provide Turkey with emergency medical aid via B-Fast. We are in contact with the Turkish authorities and our European partners to coordinate our aid, ”said the head of Belgian diplomacy on Twitter. According to Caroline Gennez (Vooruit), Federal Minister for Development Cooperation, Belgium wants to quickly send a B-Fast team to the area. “The Rapid Response Team is building a team. Many details on the operation cannot be given at the moment, ”she explained to our colleagues from the newblad.

The Minister said she was “devastated” by the loss of life and offered her condolences to the bereaved families, while wishing a speedy recovery to the injured. “While the death toll is expected to rise, our hearts also go out to the people of northern Syria and other affected areas in neighboring states, which are home to many refugees and displaced people,” she added.

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