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Easy and effective trick so that your succulents remain shiny and rosy

More and more people are choosing the succulents to decorate your home or have companions in the house. Surely if you are one of them, you will love this information because it has to do with the special care you have to take with them.

Succulents bring good energy and vitality to your home.

The succulents they became one of the favorites and many times it happens that you do not have the correct information on how to care for them and how to keep them safe, in addition to giving you color, quality or good vibes. Referring to the brightness of this plant, you will have to take into account some recommendations to keep them clean and shiny. Dust and soil that harms the environment also affects your succulent. This one makes the green leaves of your plant look more and more opaque.


This variety of plants, as we mentioned before, need your care even though they do not require 100% of your time. On the one hand, what you are going to do is observe that the land that your succulent have a substrate with good drainage so that it does not accumulate a lot of water and rot. On the other hand, watering should be minimal. These plants manage to absorb a good amount of water for a long time, but that’s not why you won’t water it from time to time. In hot seasons, we recommend that you water it once a week and in cold seasons, approximately 15 days.

Take this data into account and put it into practice.

It is essential that you take care not to wet the leaves of your succulents, what you can do is clean them dry with a soft cloth or a brush. Another important fact for the care of your plants is that you ensure that they also receive hours of sun and shade, to stay healthy and radiant. Undoubtedly, the world of succulents is gigantic and these tips are key for you to maintain an excellent relationship with them, and their care.

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