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Ebba Busch: The climate goals are fixed – more measures are coming

The Christian Democrats, together with the other government parties and SD, have decided to lower the reduction obligation to the EU’s lowest level. According to the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, Sweden will therefore not reach the climate goals set for 2030. But Ebba Busch says no to reconsidering the goals.

– I don’t think now is the time to abandon the goals we have. We have said that we will come back with more measures.

But she also emphasizes the value of having perspective on it all.

– It is not the pensioner at the nursing home with meat-free Mondays who should be responsible for climate change, says the KD leader.

Instead, climate change should take place through technological leaps, she believes.

– Sweden intends to continue to be a country that shows that it is possible to protect jobs, economic growth, good welfare with high ambitions for the climate.

“Never had as much influence as now”

Regarding the Christian Democrats’ low opinion figures and the voters’ view of the party, Ebba Busch says that she is of course not at all satisfied. But according to the minister, it is about the fact that the party has only been in the government for six months.

– You will feel the fruit when we have delivered, she says and adds that the Christian Democrats have never had as much influence as now.

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