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Ebba Östlin (S) breaks the silence after two weeks: “Welcome investigation”

During the past two weeks, Östlin has gone under the radar despite the great commotion that has surrounded her.

It was at a membership meeting that social democrats in Botkyrka voted to oust Ebba Östlin from her seat as chairman of the municipal board. The decision has led to an infected battle within the party, where one group believes that it is all about Östlin’s leadership. Those who voted for her claim instead that it is about the closure of ABF’s recreational facilities, and that criminals must have influenced the vote.

Now Ebba Östlin herself comments on the situation in a post on Facebook:

“Thanks! I cannot describe in words the massive support that has flowed in from all over the country. From friends, acquaintances, party members, other parties and the general public. It makes me both moved and incredibly grateful. I welcome that my party appointed an investigation based on the serious situation we are in.”

The post receives supportive comments from both followers and fellow party member Robert Aslan, who recently announced that the local S association in Norsborg will nominate Ebba Östlin for KSO again.

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In the video, you get a summary of the development of events in Botkyrka – in 60 seconds. Photo: SVT

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