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Economical microcontroller board: ePulse Feather with ESP32

Compared to other ESP32 boards, the new microcontroller board approves the Swiss company Thingpulse only a tenth of the quiescent current consumption: With only 12 µA, it is particularly predestined for IoT devices in mobile use. Pin assignment and dimensions correspond to that Feather form factor from Adafruitmaking a variety of expansion boards (wings) compatible.

Pinout of the ePulse Feather from Thingpulse: Charging electronics for LiIon cells are integrated.

The module uses Espressif’s relatively new ESP32-D0WDR2-V3 SoC (two Tensilica Xtensa LX6 cores with 240 MHz, 512 KB RAM, 8 MB Flash ROM). It accepts supply voltages from 3.3V to 6V and can therefore be supplied directly from a single LiIon cell without any problems. 20 I/O pins are available for connecting peripherals. The ePulse Feather should be delivered from February, the manufacturer is still taking Pre-orders at a reduced price (US$12.50).



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