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Ecuador begins voting to elect president under the shadow of the threat of organized crime

Ecuador begins voting to elect president under the shadow of the threat of organized crime

Ecuadorians are already voting in the presidential elections where the successor of William Lassothe president who dissolved the National Assembly to prevent the opposition majority from removing him.

The winner of the electoral contestHowever, it will not have a full legislature ahead of it, but will end the 2021-2025 legislature with 16 months to govern.

The elections, however, are inevitably marked by the violence of organized crime after the murder of Fernando Villavicenciocandidate of the Construye Movement, at the beginning of the campaign.

his substitute, Christian ZuritaHe has also received death threats and has received an intimidating message from networks of the Jalisco Nueva Generación Cartel: “Tremble, Cristian.”

In addition to the presidential elections, Ecuadorians also vote this Sunday in two environmental plebiscites on the oil exploitation and mining. In total, more than 13 million voters are called to the polls.

Zurita, who starts as one of the favorite candidates, fights against the leftist candidate, Luisa Gonzalezbehind whose candidacy is former President Rafael Correa.

Luisa Gonzalez party with advantage in the intention to vote, as the polls have unanimously shown.

However, the murder of Villavicencio has given a strong impetus to the Construye Movement, so any result is possible.

The other candidates are Jan Topic, a French Foreign Legion sniper, for which he is known as “Rambo”, and current businessman; the indigenous leader Yaku Perez and the businessman Otto Sonnenholzner.

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