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Ecuador welcomes the release of 43 Ecuadorian migrants kidnapped in Mexico

Quito, 28 apr. The Government of Ecuador celebrated this Friday the release in Mexico of 43 Ecuadorian migrants who had been kidnapped and extorted along with 20 other migrants of other nationalities in their attempt to reach the United States irregularly.

“We welcome the release of compatriots and urge not to travel irregularly to avoid risks to life and human dignity,” the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Human Mobility said in a message.

The Ecuadorian Foreign Ministry explained that it has worked closely with its consulates in Mexico and the United States to coordinate with the Mexican authorities the release of this group of migrants.

The release of the migrants occurred thanks to a complaint from the Ecuadorian consulate, which alerted the State Security Bureau of the kidnapping of some thirty Ecuadorian citizens, on the border between Sonora and Arizona.

Among the 63 people who were kidnapped, 50 adults and 13 children were found in the central neighborhood of the northern city of Sonoyta, in Sonora.

Of the rescued migrants, 43 are from Ecuador, nine from Colombia, five from Mexico, four from Venezuela, one from Peru and one from the Dominican Republic.

Once released, the victims were treated by a forensic doctor, who confirmed their optimal state of health. In addition, the Sonora Prosecutor’s Office offered accompaniment and psychological care from the Victim Care Center (Cavid), and legal guidance on their immigration status.

For its part, the Specialized Unit to Combat Kidnapping continues with the investigations into the events that led to the illegal deprivation of liberty of these people. EFE


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