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EDF, domestic violence… PS deputies win several victories in an Assembly under tension

“Obstruction” accuse some, “Broken Constitution”, retort the others. The Assembly experienced another tumultuous day on Thursday 9 February, but from which the Socialist Group will leave with several unanimous victories, in particular the adoption with all the opposition of its text against the risks of “dismantling” from EDF.

PS deputy Philippe Brun’s bill, examined during a day reserved for his group’s texts, was adopted at first reading with 205 votes to 1, against the opinion of the government and the deputies of the presidential camp, who had deserted the hemicycle before the vote to denounce a “masquerade”. It will now have to be considered in the Senate.

The discussion on the “nationalization” of the energy company, turned to the pitched battle in the hemicycle and outside. It all started with a legal dispute over a measure added to the EDF bill: a “specific VSE (very small businesses) tariff shield” to help bakers and other craftsmen cope with rising prices.

At the PS, behind the battle of the leaders, the Mélenchon question

The presidential camp judged the maintenance of the article contrary to the Constitution, because adding a financial burden for the State. The chairman of the Finance Committee Eric Coquerel (LFI) and the rapporteur Philippe Brun (PS) contested this assessment. It is “18 billion euros”denounced Industry Minister Roland Lescure.

The deputies of the majority left the hemicycle

Suspensions of sittings and points of order have multiplied. The left castigated “the obstruction” of the majority, awakening memories of an already stormy day for LFI texts. “The government (…) is in the minority. Panic leads him to do anything” with some “dilatory maneuvers”accused the boss of the socialist group Boris Vallaud.

At the resumption, Aurore Bergé, president of the Renaissance group, announced that the deputies of the presidential camp would no longer participate in the debates. The vast majority of them left the hemicycle.

Valérie Rabault: “Without new ideas, the PS does not move forward”

The socialist text intends to initiate a “real nationalization” of EDF and prevent any risk of “dismemberment”. The state is already trying to carry out a public purchase offer (OPA) intended to renationalise the electricity giant. Bercy argued Wednesday that the state held “95.82% of the capital”the rest of the operation being suspended pending a court decision on shareholder appeals.

The socialist deputy intends to engrave in stone the activities of the operator, argues that the takeover bid leaves the possibility of “dismantle” the group, suspecting the executive of not having given up on a controversial restructuring project involving the separation of nuclear, hydroelectric and renewable activities. What the executive denies.

No one-euro meal for all students

The Socialists started the day by unanimously obtaining the creation of a commission of inquiry into the cost of living in Overseas France, and came close to another victory.

MP Fatiha Keloua-Hachi demanded meals at a maximum of one euro in university catering sites, for all students without eligibility criteria. His proposal seemed destined for adoption, but the presidential camp defeated the troops and the text was narrowly rejected (184 against / 183 for). Seven LR deputies voted against.

On the other hand, the deputies unanimously adopted at first reading, and with the support of the government, a text by Isabelle Santiago. It provides for the automatic withdrawal of parental authority or its exercise, in the event of a conviction for incestuous aggression, a crime against the child or the other parent, unless the judge decides otherwise and gives reasons.

It also intends to broaden a mechanism for suspending the exercise of parental authority, particularly in the event of proceedings for “incestuous sexual assault or committed crime” on the child.

A text to better protect victims of violence

The debates having to end at midnight, the deputy Arthur Delaporte strategically gave up defending measures against the excesses of influencers. Adopted unanimously in committee, its proposals must be taken up at the end of March in a joint text with Stéphane Vojetta.

Intra-family violence: “Remove the child as quickly as possible from any extremely violent environment”

On the gong, the Socialists were thus able to adopt a final text, unanimously. Carried by Cécile Untermaier, it intends to promote the issuance of protection orders to better protect victims of domestic and intra-family violence, and to extend the maximum duration from six to twelve months.

The text was supported by the Keeper of the Seals, who however called for the wording to be refined “during the parliamentary shuttle”, to avoid any risk of unconstitutionality. The deputies will resume this Friday morning, February 10, another stormy examination, that of the pension reform project.

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