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Eduardo Lobos plays it and believes that Colo Colo will go to the second round in the Copa Libertadores

Eduardo Lobos commented on the current sporting moment that Colo Colo is experiencing. The former Cacique goalkeeper also spoke about the group that played Pedrero’s squad in the Copa Libertadores and gave his opinion on the matter.

© Guillermo Salazaredward wolves

Eduardo Lobos, a goalkeeper trained in Colo Colo and who was the goalkeeper of the title in bankruptcy, said he was also present in the 2003 Copa Libertadores, where he precisely faced Boca Juniors. The former goalkeeper had the opportunity to talk about the current football situation of the team led by Gustavo Quinteros and the international participation that the Cacique will have to face starting next week.

In conversation with Bolavip Chile, Lobos analyzed the group that Popular played, where he began by explaining that despite the fact that the Eternal Champion does not enjoy a great sporting moment, he had an accessible phase. “I think it is a good group, we hope that Colo Colo can raise its level later and can compete. The Libertadores generates another motivation, another showcase and that influences individual and collective performance to be able to compete, ”said the former Colo Colo goalkeeper.

In addition, he went ahead and mentioned which teams he thinks will advance in Group F of this edition of the Copa Libertadores. “By name and by history, Boca Juniors and Colo Colo should pass. Boca took the coach a week after the cup, Colo Colo is still looking for that regularity of the team that he has not found, “said the former national team.

To the above, the 41-year-old former player hopes that the Cacique can raise his level to meet the objectives set for the international tournament. “This uncertainty is generated in the cup, but without detracting from Deportivo Pereira and Monagas, Hopefully they can find that regularity to compete and go to the next round in the Copa Libertadores ”hill.

Let’s remember that Colo Colo’s debut in the Copa Libertadores will take place next Wednesday, April 5 from 10 p.m. in Chile against Deportivo Pereira in Colombia. All the news of that meeting can be found at

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