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Egg vitrification: an alternative to preserve fertility

A question that frequently arises is: what is egg vitrification? To answer this question, it is worth noting that it is a method that helps women postpone childbearing without fear that their fertility will decrease over time.

In this article, we will address in detail everything related to the so-called vitrification of oocytes, the egg donation process and assisted reproduction.

The importance of vitrification in assisted reproduction

Egg vitrification is a fundamental resource in assisted reproduction, especially in cases of women with low ovarian reserve, cancer patients or those who wish to delay motherhood for personal or work reasons.

This technique makes it possible to ensure a greater number of good quality eggs, increasing the chances of success in fertility treatments such as in vitro fertilization (IVF) and egg donation.

In which cases is oocyte vitrification recommended?

In some cases, ovum vitrification is recommended for women who will undergo medical treatments that could negatively affect their fertility, for example, chemotherapy or radiation therapy; since these can damage ovarian function and reduce the quantity and quality of the eggs available.

By vitrifying and storing eggs prior to such cancer procedures, women can preserve their reproductive capacity and have the opportunity to conceive biological children once their treatments are complete and they are ready to start a family.

In addition, ovum vitrification is also recommended in cases of advanced endometriosis. This is a disease in which endometrial tissue, which normally lines the uterus, grows outside of this organ, affecting ovarian function and egg quality.

In these cases, vitrifying eggs before said disease progresses can be a valuable strategy to preserve the fertility of the woman and increase her chances of having biological children in the future through assisted reproductive treatments.


The egg vitrification process

Egg vitrification consists of several stages:

  • First, controlled ovarian stimulation is performed to obtain a greater number of eggs.
  • Subsequently, the eggs are extracted by means of an ovarian puncture.
  • Once extracted, the eggs undergo a dehydration process and a cryoprotective solution is added to prevent the formation of ice crystals during the freezing process.
  • Finally, the eggs are submerged in liquid nitrogen and stored in cryogenic containers.

Egg donation and vitrification

Egg donation is an assisted reproduction treatment in which a woman donates her eggs to another woman who is having difficulties conceiving naturally.

The donor’s eggs are fertilized in the laboratory with the sperm of the recipient’s partner or a sperm donor. The resulting embryos are transferred to the uterus of the recipient woman in order to achieve the pregnancy.

In this process, egg vitrification plays a crucial role, since it allows donated eggs to be preserved and used when the recipient decides to undergo treatment.

Benefits of egg vitrification

Among the benefits of egg vitrification, the preservation of fertility, the possibility of postponing motherhood and the prevention of age-related complications stand out.

This technique offers an egg survival rate greater than 90%, which guarantees a greater number of viable eggs for future fertility treatments. In addition, it is an alternative that is considered safe and effective.


In conclusion, the vitrification of ovules is a valuable option for women who wish to preserve their fertility in different situations, such as illnesses, cancer treatments or the decision to postpone maternity.

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