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Eintracht Frankfurt: Coach Oliver Glasner defends himself against allegations

Frankfurt coach Oliver Glasner has now commented on his future at the club.Image: dpa / Arne Dedert


The future of Eintracht coach Oliver Glasner in the club is still unclear. Glasner is to commit to the SGE for another three years, until 2026, and has already received a contract. At the moment, however, he is still reluctant to sign. This circumstance has been criticized by some quarters. The 48-year-old Austrian has now commented on the critical voices.

Oliver Glasner defends himself against the allegations

At a press conference on Friday before the game against Dortmund on Saturday evening, Oliver Glasner spoke plainly: “I’ve been accused of being selfish. Because I don’t accept the contract offer. I would like people to think this through to the end.” The 48-year-old obviously feels misunderstood. He also compared his situation to that of his predecessor: “Two years ago there was the situation here that the coach extended and in summer has changed.”

Oliver Glasner makes it clear:

“If I were really selfish, I would extend the contract immediately, collect more money, have an exit clause written in. And get more severance pay if I were then fired. But that’s not exactly what I’m doing!”

His predecessor at Frankfurt, Adi Hütter, had his contract extended in 2021 and still left the club in the summer to go to Gladbach. Glasner has been a coach at Eintracht Frankfurt since summer 2021 and has already celebrated impressive successes with the team, such as winning the Europa League in 2022.

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Glasner also makes it clear that his hesitation has nothing to do with “delaying, selfishness or poker”. The Austrian simply wants to “know where the journey is going” before he further commits himself to his employer. However, that is not clear at the moment.

Eintracht Frankfurt: Mario Götze has to deliver

Eintracht Frankfurt will face Borussia Dortmund on Saturday – national player Mario Götze is also said to be on the pitch. Most recently, however, the 30-year-old had shown less of his performance and attracted more attention with yellow cards for complaining. Last Saturday, for example, he was yellow-banned in the 1-1 win against Gladbach.

That’s why Oliver Glasner has now announced that Götze will be particularly responsible: “We also want to bring him into the dangerous area more often”. And further:

“Mario has an excellent finish – which he may not use enough. By nature, he prefers to impose on his teammates.”

Mario Götze definitely doesn’t want to disappoint the Eintracht fans in the game against BVB. He himself says: “It’s bitter when you see why I haven’t played recently. It wasn’t good for me personally.”

For the 2014 world champion, the game against his old club is “super interesting”. The 30-year-old midfielder explains: “I played at Dortmund all my youth, a certain bond with the club. It will always be special for me to play there.”

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