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“El Diablo” killed a lawyer in Naucalpan for 2,500 pesos; he was already arrested

“El Diablo” killed a lawyer in Naucalpan for 2,500 pesos; he was already arrested

The Secretary of Security and Citizen Protection (SSPC) released the detention of raul abraham “N”, known as “The devil“, for him murder of a lawyerfor which he would have charged the amount of 2 thousand 500 pesos.

Through a statement, the Secretary of Security and Citizen Protection indicated that in the arrest of raul abraham “N”, aka “The devil”, collaborated various institutions and agencies.

To complete the arrest warrant Elements of Special Affairs and Homicides of the Attorney General of the State of Mexico participated (FGJEM), in collaboration with the SSPCthrough the Commission for Attention to the Crime of Intentional Homicide (CONAHO) and the National Anti-Kidnapping Coordination (CONASE), as well as the Secretary of National Defense (SEDENA).

“El Pepo” ordered the assassination of a lawyer in the State of Mexico

According to information from the researchit is known that the past July 30 of the year 2020, Rodolfo “N”, alias “El Pepo”, “The devil” and a subject nicknamed “the queen” met in the building known as “la lola“, where drugs were sold.

It was revealed that in this place, “the pepo” would have ordered “The devil” kill the lawyer, pointed out by fail in negotiations.

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“El Diablo” was arrested in Naucalpan, State of Mexico

The investigations indicated that “The devil”, aboard a motorcycle, would have intercepted the victim when he was driving his car over the avenue Saint Matthewin Naucalpanin it Mexico state and killed him by shooting him several times.

After carrying out the investigations, Raúl “N” was located in a building of the La Presa neighborhoodin Naucalpanwhere I know conducted a search and went arrested.

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