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El Salvador is positioned as the fifth nation in Latin America least affected by inflation

According to a recent publication by the British news outlet BBC, it highlighted the countries that managed to move through 2022 with the least inflationary impact in Latin America, after the explosion of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine last March that impacted the prices of products. , especially food and energy.

in the note “Its countries with the lowest and highest inflation in Latin America in 2022 (and what is expected for 2023)»the information chain assures -with data from the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (Cepal) until October- that El Salvador is in fifth place among the least affected with 7.5%.

The country is only surpassed by Brazil, which presented an inflation rate of 6.5%, Ecuador with 4%, Bolivia with 2.9%, and Panama, which presented the lowest percentage with 1.7%, always with data as of October of this year.

The BBC chain affirms that the rebound in the escalation of prices that marked 2022, was added to a scenario that still resented the implications of the COVID-19 pandemic, the printing of more paper money, and a trend of the main central banks of the world to increase interest rates as a palliative measure towards the end of the year.

“Not only the increase in the price of fuels played a key role in the sudden escalation of the cost of living. Higher exchange rate volatility also played a role, in addition to the scars left by the COVID-19 pandemic, which disrupted global supply chains and, in many cases, caused authorities to put more money into circulation than was available before the crisis. of health”mention the medium.

In this sense, it highlights cases such as Panama, which, despite historically maintaining inflation rates below 2%, reported 5% in June, an unusual figure for the canal population.

Also in June, El Salvador touched its highest inflation rate with 7.7%, according to data from the Central Reserve Bank (BCR), but even during this peak, the country remained the second least affected country in Central America, without reaching 8 % in no month, and distancing itself from the situation experienced by Honduras, Costa Rica and Nicaragua, which exceeded double digits for several months.

Douglas Rodríguez, president of the BCR. / Photo: El Salvador newspaper.

For the president of the BCR, Douglas Rodríguez, this favorable performance of the Salvadoran economy is due to the measures implemented by the government of President Nayib Bukele since March of this year, which included fixing the prices of fuels, propane gas and the electric energy.

In addition to promoting strategies to promote agricultural production and food imports. All these measures guaranteed through inspections led by the Consumer Ombudsman and other government institutions in all agents of the country’s marketing chain.

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