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El Salvador records 263 days with zero homicides

In three years and six months of the Government, there have been no homicides in 263 days, resulting in safer communities and an increase in internal tourism as the State has regained territorial control.

So far in December there have already been 15 consecutive days without murders being committed throughout the national territory.

In the 270 days of the emergency regime implemented by the Government of President Nayib Bukele, 60,452 gang members have been captured, freeing communities from decades of anxiety and death.

The police and military forces of the Government maintain the security fence in the municipality of Soyapango, considered the most populous.

More than 500 gang members who were trying to hide from the authorities have been captured in the siege.

Personnel from the General Directorate of Migration and Aliens accompany police and military operations in Soyapango to verify if among the detainees there are foreigners residing irregularly in the country.

Likewise, inmates in the Confidence Phase of the General Directorate of Penal Centers, tour the different neighborhoods of Soyapango in order to erase all gang graffiti as part of their eradication.

The fence in Soyapango installed on December 3 and which is part of Phase Five of the Territorial Control Plan, is executed by 8,500 soldiers and 1,500 police officers who are looking for fugitive gang members and does not affect any of the normal activities of honest residents .

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