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Elden Ring: A DLC to extend the epic?

Game News Elden Ring: A DLC to extend the epic?

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On the menu of the Daily this Friday, February 17, we discuss the new clue concerning a potential DLC of Elden Ring. We then meet to talk about the astronomical sum that Saint Throw cost its publisher. Before ending on the Tetris film which is revealed in image. The Daily, let’s go!

A DLC for Elden Ring?

As they approach their first birthday, Bandai Namco & From Software can be proud of what their little baby has accomplished. Between its 17.5 million copies sold as of September 30, 2022 and its victory at the Game Awards,
Elden Ring has won over souls-like fans. To celebrate, why not a DLC? If this idea only emerged through rumors, this time the detectives of the net have concrete! The clue? A simple update of the Steam page of the game. A very unusual maneuver for the title which raises questions… To deepen the investigation, go to the Daily of February 17 above.

Saint Throw, the Saint Bide

In the gaming world, gamers sometimes wonder why some publishers are so reluctant to create new licenses. In most cases, they are content to bet on those already well established in order to make a profit on them. But with the case of Saints Row (2022) which has been brought to light, the questions dissipate. Indeed, Embracer Group has embarked on a long journey to establish itself in the video game landscape. Among the licenses at its disposal, the juggernaut Tomb Raider, Deus Ex or even Legacy of Kain. As far as Saint Throw is concerned, the mayonnaise didn’t take… The backstage of this commercial failure can be found on the February 17 Daily at the top of the article.

Tetris, from video game to cinema

So yes, the idea of ​​a film about a tetrominoe looking for its place in a block does not make you dream. This is also why the film is not about this, but about the legal battle that took place in order to acquire the copyright of the flagship game. Taron Egerton is headlining for the role of Henk Rogers, a title character and entrepreneur who secured the rights to the console game. Between the context of the Cold War and the involvement of the KGB (Russian secret services), the film promises an adventure rich in adventures. Several appearances will make big fans of Nintendo and its history smile… Find the Daily of February 17 above the article to find out more about it. The Daily is over!

  • To find out more, it’s on the Daily of February 17 above that everything happens.
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