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Elden Ring: l’ultima follia dei giocatori involves a steering wheel and a capovolto schermo

Ormai abbiamo perso il conto del numero di segnalazioni fatte in merito alle bizzarrie compiute dai giocatori di Elden Ring. The last of these records is a user who has decided to complete the entire title FromSoftware by combining a peripheral part with an insidious ‘malus’.

The content creator zestypineapples has infatti decided to leave for the Interregnum with a steering wheel and, giusto per complicare ulteriormente sews him, di capovolgere lo schermo used for giocare. As I can easily imagine, I will config some bosses and I will overcome this specific adventure, it has been an incubus for the YouTuber, but all the same it is well printed and has documented all with a long series of videos published on the famous Google platform.

Prima di lasciarvi ad uno dei so many filmati caricati dall’utente, in cui è possibile scoprire in quali condizioni has decided to face the title FromSoftware, I saw that we wish that any settimana fa vi abbiamo parlato dello streamer di Elden Ring che has sconfitto Malenia col pensiero , setting another record for the soulslike run folli.

In attesa di scoprire which will be the next peace of the fan, I am pleased that the mod of Elden Ring that adds the DLSS 3 is available and the benefits are incredible.

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