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Eldorado: relatives of victims of road accidents will march to demand Justice

Saturday, February 4, 2023 | 5:00 p.m.

“Enough of murderers behind the wheel, we want Justice”. With this premise, relatives and relatives of victims of road accidents are going to demonstrate in the town of Eldorado. It will be next Tuesday, February 7, at 6:30 p.m., in Plaza Sarmiento (Kilometer 9).

“The march is to ask for Justice,” claimed Rosa Fernández, mother of the initial level teacher Daiana Fernández (26), who died in a road accident that occurred at the beginning of November last year on provincial route 17, when she was on her way to her job.

“My daughter died on November 8 of last year, next week it will be three months. I want her death not to go unpunished, because it was not a simple accident as they say, there are responsibilities and although everything is in the hands of Justice, I can’t sit idly by,” said the parent.

In this sense, he stated that his daughter “was a fighter, she fought every day for her dreams, for her goals and they took her life away. The one who did it has a first and last name, and is free, calm.”

According to the data provided by the Police, the Renault Fluence driven by Daiana collided head-on with a van from the Court of Accounts of the Province of Misiones in which two officials of the organization were: Carlos Alberto P. and Ángel Gabriel H.

“People should know that it was not just an accident, that my daughter’s life was taken away by going to work, earning her daily bread. That my tears, those of her brothers and her father are not for nothing, that they know that she drove on that route every day and it was not like those who were in the truck say, putting the blame on my daughter who is no longer there,” added the victim’s mother and in that line she pointed to “Carlos Alberto Ponce and their partner never came close, they never apologized for what they did”.

“Daiana has a mother who will fight to the last consequences so that her death does not go unpunished and the culprits will pay for what they did to her,” he warned.

The woman emphasized the teachers who, like her daughter, must travel several kilometers to reach the schools where they work. “They go out on the roads every day without knowing if they are going to return home alive, which is why I also now appeal to the Board of Education to look into that, to organize so that teachers do not have to travel so many kilometers to other localities”.

“That is my fight, I ask for Justice so that other mothers do not go through what I am going through, of having to cry for my daughter who went to work, to earn her bread and her life was taken from her in the worst way. I ask that the culprits pay, so that everything is not hidden because they are powerful or from high society,” he claimed.

Relatives and relatives of several people who lost their lives in road accidents in the northern part of the province will be part of the call, with motorists accused in the judicial field, although many of them enjoy freedom.

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