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Electric motorcycle fires in Cuba trigger alarms: More than 300 so far in 2023

Electric motorcycle fires in Cuba trigger alarms: More than 300 so far in 2023

After a fire caused by the explosion of electric motorcycles caused the death of a family, the fire department of Cuba raised alarms about similar events: more than 300 fires in these vehicles in six months.

The “motorinas” as they are popularly known in Cuba have been, since they were allowed to be imported in recent years, the new stars on the streets of the island, marked by a chronic problem of public transport and a new one of shortage of fossil fuel. His presence is more and more noticeable.

From January reported more than 300 accidents of these vehicles, explained Major Jelsy González of the National Directorate against Fires according to a report on Tuesday from the official website Cubadebate. As a reference, in the first half of 2020 there were 263 gel or lithium battery fires used by these mopeds and in 2019, there were 208, according to official figures that are being updated.

González explained that the material of the batteries is not combustible, it is itself, but when it decomposes inside an electric cell damaged by excessive use, a phenomenon called “thermal runaway” occurs, which generates vapors that can ignite plastic and rubber. motorcycles and that with the combustible elements of the houses -such as furniture- generates toxic smoke.

“From 2019 to date, there have been more than 3,000 fires fought by firefighters,” reported González, who cited the overuse of batteries as the cause of the explosions, the manual modification of security systems to make these vehicles faster or yielding and even inadequate washing with pressurized water.

For his part, Lieutenant Colonel Antonio Valdés, also from the fire department, reported that specialists have been sent abroad -without specifying which countries- so that they can be trained in safety and prevention of this type of accident and can train their colleagues on the island.

“We know that its use is a necessity and that this type of vehicle is here to stay,” said Valdés.

Many victims die not from the fire but from inhalation of this smoke, the fire experts indicated.

Last week the news about the fire in a house in the center of Havana and in which seven members of a family died – including two children – after the explosion of electric motorcycles shook public opinion. It was not specified how many motorcycles exploded but they were stored in what was the living room of the house.

“It has solved a tremendous problem with transportation, without the electric motorcycle I am nothing,” Natividad Hernández, owner of a red and black Águila brand vehicle and randomly interviewed on the streets of Havana, told The Associated Press.

The woman assured that she is not afraid of fires because it gives the necessary rest to the battery so as not to overload it and its parts are original.

Many of the electric motorcycles arrive in Cuba imported through Panama, although recently island companies have also begun to assemble these mobiles. The first authorizations to bring them from abroad date from 2007, but a boom began only at the end of the last decade that led the authorities to implement the registration in the vehicle registry since 2019 of some models.

In addition, a special driver’s license is required.

“Unfortunately we don’t have much access to buy a car and electric motorcycles have come to make life easier,” said Carlos Manuel Cañada, a 32-year-old mechanic who works in a workshop in the Guanabacoa neighborhood.

Cañada regretted the fires and assured that the only guarantee is to work with professionals and take care of the equipment to avoid accidents.


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