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Electricity in the pyramids: EDF surfs with humor on the theory of Gims

EDF bounced back brilliantly on Gims’ theory. Its advertisement, on the full page of the Parisian on April 20, was widely broadcast on social networks and found the expected success. Success after bad buzz of the French singer, who advanced a few days ago in a video that in the time of ancient Egypt, the pyramids already made it possible to have electricity.

The French public electricity production and supply company humorously confirmed the theory and wrote in the pages of the Ile-de-France daily: “EDF, official supplier to the pharaohs since 2000 BC”, with an illustration of the pyramids of Giza. Even if these are not power plants, EDF replied to Gims: “If electricity had existed in the time of the Pharaohs, they would no doubt have chosen us”.


This was a huge opportunity for EDF to capture the buzz and be able to carry out an effective communication campaign for a very large audience. Internet users have already redoubled their creativity by posting memes and tweets in recent days and sometimes mentioning the name of companies. We think of one of them who highlighted part of a fresco, comparing the scene with that of a Free fiber optic installer.

Another also mentioned EDF but evoking inflation and the explosion in electricity prices last winter, not without humor as well. Finally, with hieroglyph writing in Egypt, someone else reported finding an electricity contract from ancient Egypt. Currently at La Villette in Paris, an exhibition on the pharaoh Ramses II is being held and was all the more inflating the controversy of Gims on social networks.

“Historians know it!”

It was during an exchange on the YouTube channel Oui Hustle that Gims put forward his theory last month. On the subject, he said: “gold is the best conductor for electricity. They were bloody antennas! People had electricity. People can’t understand that. The Egyptians, the science they had, is beyond comprehension, and historians know it!”.

© Will be born

On April 13, Gims drove home the point by unveiling a new single whose cover featured a photo montage of pyramids equipped with electric cables. “For us, the idea was to humorously deconstruct a misconception”EDF later indicated after its advertising campaign.

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